Thursday, March 5, 2009


Went golfing with Clint and Marc yesterday and can I just say that playing golf with Marc has to be the funniest and best game anyone will ever play. First off he brings captain morgan for us to drink. Plus the prop bets were endless (which I won like $15!). Then at the turn, we ate lunch and he buys like 5 more little bottles for us to drink and by the time we were done he was wasted and I was just a little drunk beacuse obv I can't drink as much as him. Then we went to gators dockside for more drinks and early dinner and he ruins any chance I had with this hot watress by acting like a drunk ass lol.....

As for school, I'm doing well so I think I will pass all my classes and graduate in May. Then I don't know what I'll be doing (hopefully working somewhere).

Thats it for now, Ill end this by saying that I've been in AWESOME MODE lately. I'm enjoying life which is all I can ask for.

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